Thursday 28 March 2013

Sons of Seasons Bring Dark Symphonic Metal from Germany!

I've just seen their first official video and I loved it.
So click, listen, watch...

It really is worth it!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Scary and fantastic

RefugeRefuge by Jason D. Brawn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I like scary books. I like the feeling of pleasant goosebumps on my skin, while 'living' the story through eyes of the main character. When I read Refuge, tingling chills transmuted into much darker emotion. This book has creeped me out. I have never had much liking for insects of any kind, not even pretty butterflies so the old house infested with creepy-crawlies is THE WORST nightmare. I felt tangibly anxious, yet fascinated. The story enveloped me just like dark woods in it, I felt squeamish and kept checking around me for any sign of creepy-crawlies. I am pleased to say, it is 'just a story'. But absolutely fantastic one!
View all my reviews

Friday 22 March 2013

Bedtime Chills

Now That I've Lost YouNow That I've Lost You by Paul Edwards
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I bought a Kindle edition of this book because I liked the sound of it. When I finally found some time to sit down and read a few days later, I was absorbed instantly into the world of Paul Edwards' imagery. For the next couple of days everything else stalled as if by push of the 'pause' button. I would reside in deserted graveyards, walk around in gloomy streets lighted only by silver moonlight while trying to avoid creatures with very dark eyes.
The pictures skillfully painted with words, association of colours, imaginative characters all brought stories to life. After every story I would proclaim that it was definitely my favourite, only to change my mind after the following one.
Eleonora made me shiver, causing me to feel definitely uneasy while Cure left me intrigued. However in the end it was the first story, with the same title as the book, that has enthralled me. If you, like me, love stories with a twist while being pleasantly scared, read this book!

View all my reviews ">

Tuesday 12 March 2013

One for the upcoming Easter

Humpty Dumpty on a wall
Did not see the creature crawl.
It sneaked up behind him,
Stabbed fangs inside him,
Sucked all his blood
And all juices he had.
It knocked the shell off the wall
Humpty had a nasty fall.
Now in fragments on the floor
Humpty Dumpty is no more.

Friday 8 March 2013


Another wonderful anthology I have an honour to be in - Grave Robbers edited and published by James Ward Kirk

The previews are really good, you really want to snatch a copy!

My name on the book cover - awesome!

Thursday 7 March 2013

I am in the HELL

I am Published Poet! :)

Two of my poems found its way into HELL, the anthology of poetry and prose, published by James Ward Kirk Publishing company. There are some wonderful works of art from renowned and new contributors and it is most definitely worth your attention.
Check it out: